Search Syntax

Simple Search

The easiest way to search in Infolinx is to enter an example of what you would like to see in the result in a search text box.  For example, to find all items with a last name of 'bennet', simply enter 'bennet' (without the quotes) in the last name field.


Search with Wildcards

Infolinx supports wildcard searching using the percent sign (%) as a wildcard.  For example, to find all items with a last name that starts with the letters 'ben', simply enter 'ben%' (without the quotes) in the last name field.


Search with Keywords

It is also possible to search for multiple values in a field.  For example to find all items with the last name 'bennet' or 'panteley', simply enter the text 'bennet or panteley' (without the quotes) in the last name field.  Note the 'or' keyword is used to tell Infolinx to search the last name field for records with 'bennet' or 'panteley'.


Infolinx searching Keywords: